Victoria | Farm Marketing Mentor

Simplify Social Media, Increase Sales.


Digital Resources and Coaching for Small Farms who Sell Direct to Consumer!


Simplify Social Media, Increase Sales.


Digital Resources and Coaching for Small Farms who Sell Direct to Consumer!


Trying to "diy" Your Social Media is Overwhelming

Deciding to diversify your farm, produce a product from scratch and sell direct to consumer is no small feat! You want (and need) to reach customers so you turned to social media but now...


You struggle to find the time in the day to create content, let alone even remembering to take pictures in the first place.


Posting feels like work and you worry that you are sharing the same thing over and over. The worst part? No results.


You know you can "figure it out" but struggle to grasp the technology and get discouraged when your content is not perfect.

Stop Struggling on Social Media!

I started exactly where you are now. Throwing out random posts online only for my mom to comment "love you," and feeling like I was wasting my time.

Through a lot of trial and error, doubting myself, and years of social sharing, I am now helping other small farms avoid my same failures and struggles and thrive in direct to consumer sales.

I help small farms learn to "DIY" their social media through digital resources and coaching. Like myself, my farmers are using the online world to meet new customers, market their products and generate sales for their small farms!


It is Possible for You!


Meeting new customers (and landing sales) could be just a few social media posts away. The best part? You don't have to struggle through the technology alone. Here's how we can work together...

✔ Digital Resources including done for you social media posts and templates, content ideas, mini trainings and challenges.

✔ Group Coaching: Learn along likeminded farmers with monthly lessons, weekly group chats and unlimited support. 

✔ 1:1 Coaching: Go all in with individualized support, coaching calls and access to anything and everything I have created to help you "DIY" your marketing!

From the Farmer

Flower, dairy, beef, produce and even agritourism, I have been blown away by the positive feedback from the diverse farmers that I have been able to work with over the last year! Hear what they have to say:

unloading flowers from truck on farm

About Victoria


The day that I cried over ice cream was the day that I thought I was leaving agriculture forever. 

I ran an on farm market for over eight years, got divorced and left it all behind.

Instantly, I found a huge void in my life without farming. In an effort to find my footing as an individual in agriculture I dove head first into the online space to help other small farms have the same success with selling direct to consumer! 


Get 50 Free Social Media Content Ideas!

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